Dag 16 van Warsaw (North-Crolina) naar Whiteville ( North-Carolina)

25 augustus 2014 - Warsaw, North Carolina, Verenigde Staten

Na de 100 mijl van gisteren stond er vandaag maar 73 mijl te gaan. Even relaxen van de topprestatie van gisteren. De zon scheen en de Noord-Oosten wind was ons gunstig. Wij  moesten namelijk naar het zuiden fietsen. 

Gewapend met Pepperspray tegen de honden stapten wij om half 9 vanmorgen vol goede moed op de fiets. Gelukkig was de Pepperspray niet nodig want Michelle (een van de leidsters die ook mee fietste) had een fluit om haar nek en als er een hond luid blaffend aan kwam rennen blies zij deze hond onmiddellijk tot verdwaasde stilstand.

De omgeving was ongeveer gelijk aan wat we de afgelopen dagen hadden gezien. Vele plantages van tabak, katoen en....een verdwaalde wijngaard. Gezien de staat van de wijngaard hebben we niet veel vertrouwen in deze lokale productie.

Na 47 mijl kwamen we eindelijk weer een beetje in de bewoonde wereld terecht waar een café was waar ze heerlijke sandwiches serveerden. Als aanvulling van het erbarmelijke diner van gisteren was dat zeer welkom. Met een volle maag peddelden we voort. 

Uiteindelijk met 119 kilometer op de teller belandden we weer op een soort industrie terrein maar...... er is een supermarkt aan de overkant. Er zou vandaag als diner pizza besteld worden in het hotel met verse salade. Wij samen met Bob naar de supermarkt om de bijpassende wijnen in te slaan. De California Girls (Ann en Leslie) hadden bedacht dat het weer tijd was voor een happy hour dus een biertje voor de pizza was ons deel. Samen met de muziek van de " zondagmidagborrel" werd het een gezellige bijeenkomst. 

Morgen maar 55 mijl fietsen naar Myrtle Beach waar we vervolgens een rustdag hebben om aan het strand te liggen. We kijken er naar uit. 

De overpeinzingen van David op 25-08-2014

Today is day 15 of our 25 day journey from Maine to Florida. We have gone 1,076 out of 1,675miles and we have 10 days left, of which only 8 days are cycling days as we have 2 rest days. These are real rest days where you can sleep and rest, not the 55-65 mile days that our leader calls rest days.

 Today was very special as it was a Century day. Of course everyone knows that a century is a period of 100 years, such as the 20 or 21 century. Century is a Roman word that originally a group of 100 men, who we prepared for battle. In the biker vocabulary a Century is 100 miles. While the century ride was long, it did not reach the 100 year benchmark. We only had 22 bikers so did not include a 100 men/women and not sure we were prepared for battle. So we all did a hundred miles from Rocky Mt. NC to Warsaw, NC. This century ride seems to be popular with riders as all of our group have done centuries, except Anne from The Netherlands and myself from Boston. What is so special about 100 miles? Is it really that different from 91 or 94 miles? What if you only did 98 miles? Will the Cycling Queen/King rat you out, or put a flat tire curse on you? I was really pumped for this ride. Shane, Randee and others gave me advice. I went to bed at 8pm and got up ready to hit the bricks just me and my Cannondale. Perry and I left early, but were passed by Kathi and Russ, before the first SAG. Russ was leaving the SAG as I arrived, then Kathi left. I grabbed some water and bars and left pit row in record time. I rode at Kathi’s pace for a while and then passed her. Next I caught up with Russ. We chatted , then I made my slingshot pass. To be at the head of the pack, my dream was becoming a reality. The first 3 turns out of the SAG were easy, somehow on the Old Mill Road turn, I screwed up. I followed this turn with a right then left on what was supposed to be Herman Lane Road, but was actually Big Daddy Rd. As the distances were correct, I assumed that the local township changed the street name to Big Daddy Road. This was a mistake that cost time and miles. By the time Mike found me via his GPS, everyone had passed and most were either at or pass the SAG by the time I reached them, my dreams crushed!!

Dogs continued to be an important part of the ride. I had some nice dogs try to eat my foot for breakfast, but was able to escape. Unfortunately as I alerted the dogs of the arrival of fresh meat, they were ready and waiting for Russ. Russ was able to use his Maine charm to convince the dog’s owners to restraint their dogs until all the fresh meat passed. I am sure this confused the dogs as they thought their main mission in life was to protect the homestead, and bring home the fresh meat.

Your mind wanders on the ride. What is a spring chicken? Moore’s Ferry Rd was named after Mr. Moore who had a ferry to take you over the river. Where is the Ferry now? Should it be renamed Moore’s Bridge Rd.?  On Burnt Woods Rd., I did not see any evidence of fire, what’s up? Ringing Rocks Rd. is a cool name, but when is the last time a rock spoke or sang to you? Where was the dead horse when we went up Dead Horse Hill Rd.? Was Halifax really big enough to require a Bypass? I did not see a single soul in the town.

Congratulations on your century and I hope you have centuries more of them, I think. Water is still your friend. Go Gators.




2 Reacties

  1. Aad Besseling:
    26 augustus 2014
    Dat zal niet meevallen, lekker relaxed op het strand liggen.
  2. Ciska:
    26 augustus 2014
    Niet alleen met ontzag, maar afentoe met afgrijzen volg ik jullie verhalen. Goed en lekker eten lijkt me een voorwaarde voor jullie presentaties. ;) morgen genieten dan maar???